
Monthly Blog Archives - April 2022

Top 8 Audio Editing Practices...
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Aren't we all aware of the fact that one of the most fundamental steps in music creation is audio editing?  It is the Digital Audio Workstation...

Date : 22-Apr-2022
How to Start Your Voice...
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JUMPSTART YOUR JOURNEY AS A VOICE ACTOR Let us take a moment to rewind our memories before we begin the story! Has anyone ever complimented...

Date : 18-Apr-2022
The Most Popular Business...
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TOP BUSINESS PODCASTS THAT YOU NEED TO PAY HEED TO. Are you an aspiring entrepreneur or a seasoned executive or a successful businessman or...

Date : 13-Apr-2022
The new era of Audiobooks...
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WELCOME TO THE BOOMING WORLD OF AUDIOBOOKS Audiobooks, which are already a billion-dollar industry, are becoming increasingly popular each...

Date : 11-Apr-2022